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Finding your dream job anonymous, for free and without any recruiter spam in your inbox. It is possible with the Magisco app!
No more annoying spam from head hunters and recruiters until you decide to have your profile exposed to a company of your choice.
Job postings from companies that match your profile based on your soft skills.
Within ten minutes you’ll be able to apply for jobs at companies that fit your profile (no more time wasting)
Nowadays recruitment is the same everywhere. You’re getting attractive offers simply because you have the right education and work experience. However, companies and recruiters are forgetting one thing: research is indicating that most of these requirements are irrelevant if you’re not in the right place!
Leaves a company within the first year because they don’t feel that they’re in the right place.
Regardless of whether there’s a good offer among all these messages, you’re probably not interested in reading them anymore. At the same time, in the midst of all that noise, there might be just that perfect job that you’re looking for.. A job that you might like way more than the one you’re having right now.
That’s exactly why we’re having a different approach:
Hence our slogan:
Maggy is the all-round matchmaker from Magisco. After downloading the Magisco app, she helps you create a personal profile that fits you perfectly.